18 March 2008


The camera loves tuna (My Buddy 3 month old Golden Retriever)

He Likes:
1. Girls!!! ;P
2. Biting (He bites everything he can) haha :)) playful bites
3. Kids (playing with kids alot) wags his tail everytime he sees kids)
4. Taking a bath (runs non-stop after taking one)
5. Socks (trying to destroy every bit of it)
6. Pork Chops
7. Playing with Garfield (Male Pug)
8. Playing Fetch

He Hates:
1. His leash
2. Newspapers (destroys and make a mess of it)
3. My spray bottle
4. Milk (he doesn't drink milk much)

View more Photos on my FLCKr


Jerick said...

that's a clever blog post! a cutesy photo as well!

Tan Man said...

Thanks thanks!